Phillip “SUSAN” Goebel
Lead Coffee Nerd
A hockey player turned Marine fighter pilot that will get himself into trouble if he doesn’t entertain the cocaine induced hamsters living inside his brain that tell him it’s a good idea to start a coffee company and a podcast. Also drinks lots of coffee and drives large airplanes.

Chief Morale Officer
A registered stage 5 clinger that sleeps 18 hours a day and knows absolutely nothing about coffee. She specializes in naps, has below average cardio, and will smother you to death like your life depended on it.

Ramon “Fiesta” Ballester
Chief Indoctrination Officer
A salsa dancing former fighter pilot that idles at 96% and has a resting heart rate of 227. Can still do OCF while heavily intoxicated, has no appendix, drinks lots of coffee, and shops at Baby Gap.

Dave “Meat” Trimble
Chief Good Idea Facilitator
A specialist of ill-timed and often ridiculous ideas that seldom stick to the wall. Also drives large airplanes and raises small humans. Played JV high school baseball, drinks coffee all day, and married a rocket scientist.

Aaron “Gay-J” Gajewski
Chief Liberty Risk
Our resident electrician and morale boosting personality. Also, the reason we have an office bail fund. Specializes in Miller Latte’s and all things coffee. A human version of a golden retriever. Responds enthusiastically to “A-A-Ron”.

Pat “Leeroy” Daly
Token Boston Guy
Every company needs a token Boston guy. Leeroy was drafted in the 14th round 376th overall in the 2022 Token Boston Guy draft. Drinks lots of coffee and is an average beer league hockey player. Drives large airplanes and speaks fluent hippie.

accepting applications
Useless Online Training Witch
Creator of all things “online training”. Specializes in useless and ridiculous power points created by nerds living in their basement that have absolutely no positive effect in any form or fashion. Required for annual inspections and “readiness”. Kills brain cells at the cyclic rate, one of the top 10 worst ideas in history.
Are You Ready?
Looking to upgrade your coffee experience and get off the JV team?
Drop us a line; we can help.